Is this blog system easie rto communicate between Brothers ?

Monday, November 19, 2007

First Watch Superceded!

This is a follow up to the First Watch Discussions we had at the Captain's meeting of the Norfolk ZAF. By the time Rascal receives all the news from every table, the first entries are stale. This beta verison of the new process will enable every table to have its own blog. It will be referenced into each table's page in There will be a "national blog " - In fact this is it !
Please each table should send to me its logo/burgee in order to update their respective table's page.

The Chesapeake table is the perfect example. In its page are two links to the Google's and to Flicker's pages Brise-Galets maintains with consistency.
I had sent an e-mail to Rascal outlining the plans. We discussed about it yesterday and this blog is the result.
When it comes to dissemination, we'll try to feed the modifications at will. That meeans that a button will appear on the blog. We suggest you click on it to receive a summarized version of the new entry in the blog right into your own e-mail in-box . This is not spam since YOU decide to subscribe.
Knowing human nature, this gadget will be ( overly) active in the beginning. Its use will fade gradually to achieve a balanced flow of I would estimate not exceeding 2 e-mails per month.
Enjoy !

-------------QUOTE --------------
OK... No I did not forget my assignment started at the Norfolk ZAF meeting. It is a bit more complex that I thought. Mainly because of the nature of our human brains and resistance to changes. YES, a series of surveys revealed to me that people LOVE to receive something that looks like a newspaper journal. I refer to the old format of the FIRST watch. Even when read on-line, it feels like an event. Events are very important in marketing: Sales, Grand Opening - First Release etc...
On-line blogging has a bit reduced this marketing appeal.

The Norfolk meeting had enlightened some needs and requirements:
---- News must be pushed from each table - as an "automatic upload"
Would there be some restrictions on updates ?
Therefore, only one editor per table would be responsible for the news ow his table and to forward it to the central US editor.
---- Presently, the Yahoo groups ORZA-US is used as a list server. Although it could have a lot more capabilities, it is presently used to dispatch some news to all brothers. Brise-Galets is one of the "moderators". The problem is in the security of Yahoo. Brise-Galets would rather spend time at the wheel than on the Mouse! He needs to keep every brother and their e-mail updated in the yahoo database in order to ensure proper distribution of his e-blasts.
---- We have to prevent inundation of the e-blasts ( see my comments about Event Marketing... ) Therefore, we would wait until there is enough valuable news to group them into a single set of which the volume would warrant the e-blast of one combined First Watch
---- Dogwaes from Savannah offered to send to me a copy of his Guide to e-mails. It should explain what is a good photo, suitable for Web or e-mail posting. ( the 400X600 pixels rule... Blogging is still quite confusing for many of us Old Salts. The Thread concept is confusing. I like the Forum I presented at the top of this message. It alleviate to understand the thread concept.

Some confusion arises from the multiplicity of systems we presently use :

which Brise-Galets uses with Brio! HE actually includes links from his blog to FLICKER which is owned by Yahoo-groups as well and which is more geared to the storage, organization and print production of pictures
This is a great - clean systems. It still does not resolve all the problems: Although i am a Google member ( Google owns Blogger ) I have to be accepted by the Blog's administrator ( Brise-Galets) before I'd post a comment to an entry in this blog. Same problem as before.

The RSS Feeds
This is a technology which has two ends. I can add some code in This will force some web crawlers to send an alarm in the reader's mailbox. However, Each user has to trigger this "alarm" through an "aggregator" in their e-mail program. Therefore, we have to instruct all our brothers to subscribe to this feed. This is a small option in Thunderbird e-mail program. Outlook users can use an add-on called RSS Popper. it seems that this avenue does not resolve any of our problems.

I am also member of the Long Island Woodworkers. Daryl ( here in Cc.) is the editor of this association's newsletter. He definitely declares that creating the "paper" in a PDF, using a well established routine in QuarkXpress is not such a burden. He agrees however that the learning curve for QuarkXpress is steep. He also agrees that receiving articles from the various members is harder than pulling rusty nails off oak... ( Hey - this is a woodworking group... we do not lie like dentists who pull teeth !)
Therefore, Daryl will continue to crate the newsletter as is for the moment.

However, this group also installed a newer version of their forum. There are some great points: it has a public area and 4 additional levels of membership. These levels enable different levels of access, editing, posting etc... There are also multiple forums in this system - therefore each table could have its own. I have not tested if the level of authorization was going down to the forum level or to the whole system - i.e. if a table captain in Kalamazoo could change the postings in the Salt Lake City table's forum.

I did not yet contact my server host to see if this whole system could be implemented. There is a free version for not-for-profit. The max could be $145.00. There are also some other programs offered by Web Wiz. Especially the Web Wiz Newspad which would enable to send newsletters.
I have not tested this, nor have I asked our web host if these products were implementable on our system.

Let's recap the four prong entries of the system:
News come from each table to the US coordinator Can be by normal e-mail

Coordinator creates the Lay-out Quark...

Coordinator "posts" on the web
e-mail or FTP

Brothers are made aware of an update/upload
Yahoo moderator must keep e-mails and memberships up-to-date
Yahoo group e-blast

Brothers can comment
Not existing right now

Let's face it: Brothers have to WANT to receive news or else, it goes to the trash like the Sunday Times advertisements.
I more than welcome feedbacks from Keith/Rummy and Bernard/Brise-Galets.

Sincerely yours - robert -

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